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A Children's Chapter Series
By Taunya T.D. Said,Author

     Meet       The Author!

As our children are coming of age, Smart Alec Alex, The Series will teach them how to navigate through various situations without escalating to the unknown. At some point in our lives, we all have faced peer pressure of being something or someone other than our true selves. Smart Alec Alex, The Series is geared to keep our youth grounded and help them become aware of how great of an influence they can be for their peers.

Taunya T.D. Said can capture your attention with her compelling stories. Since childhood, she has been known for her creative spark in everything she touches. Taunya can ignite a child’s mind to help them to see all things are possible when you just believe.


Taunya works for the United States Federal Government and has her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business. Her writing experience ranges from technical writing of government policies to a former local recording artist who expresses lyrically through years of songwriting.


Taunya won the creative communication Poetry contest, with her poem “My Impression” which was published in “Celebrate! Poets Speak Out.” Taunya’s childlike heart overpowers adversity and materializes positive vibes. Her personality overwhelms you with pure creativity as she draws you in chapter by chapter with her adventurous stories. She calls her work, “Fiction based on facts”.  With her clever ideas and snappy comebacks, it’s no wonder she created Smart Alec Alex, The Series.



A Lesson within
a Laugh


Children of all ethnicities want to see themselves represented when searching for a sense of belonging. During my daughter’s childhood, the options were limited. Today, some books display the differences in some cultures, more than others.


Taunya T.D. Said created the Smart Alec Alex, The Series to give children a fun series that relates to the antics in their normal everyday lives. The series focuses on life lessons that help in various areas of a child’s coming of age and assist them in their decision-making and problem-solving.


The series prepares and frees their mind from the peer pressure of everyday challenges, especially as they transition from Elementary to Middle school. SMART ALEC ALEX, The Series is filled with many LESSONS within a LAUGH!


                                                                                                -T. D. Said                                    

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Smart Alec Alex!

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  • Smart Alec Alex, The Series

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